Insane Rantings of a Movie Nut - Classic Movie Madness

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Frenzied Madness

Published by Film Lunatic in News · 25/2/2013 23:02:16
Tags: siteupdates

Greetings Movie Fans

I am your classic movie master and this is the Classic Movie Madness blog. You're Welcome!

The website will be launching in only 4 days as I am dictating this to Egor, and our entire team of professional and highly trained monkeys are scurrying about slamming keybords, dusting off the old film reels and causing no end of noise. All this to make sure that the site is ready for you to enjoy.

If you'll excuse me I have to pay them now to keep everyone happy.
EGOR!! Where did you put that bucket of peanuts?  Stop typing man......

'Till next time

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